Bitmap for UWP
GetGlyphIndices(Int32[]) メソッド

C1.UWP.DX アセンブリ > C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite 名前空間 > FontFace クラス > GetGlyphIndices メソッド : GetGlyphIndices(Int32[]) メソッド
An array of USC4 code points from which to obtain nominal glyph indices. The array must be allocated and be able to contain the number of elements specified by codePointCount.
Returns the nominal mapping of UCS4 Unicode code points to glyph indices as defined by the font 'CMAP' table.
Public Overloads Function GetGlyphIndices( _
   ByVal codePoints() As System.Integer _
) As System.Short()
public System.short[] GetGlyphIndices([] codePoints


An array of USC4 code points from which to obtain nominal glyph indices. The array must be allocated and be able to contain the number of elements specified by codePointCount.


a reference to an array of nominal glyph indices filled by this function.
Note that this mapping is primarily provided for line layout engines built on top of the physical font API. Because of OpenType glyph substitution and line layout character substitution, the nominal conversion does not always correspond to how a Unicode string will map to glyph indices when rendering using a particular font face. Also, note that Unicode variant selectors provide for alternate mappings for character to glyph. This call will always return the default variant.

FontFace クラス
FontFace メンバ